E.ON Kernkraft GmbH
Picture has been licensed under a GFDL license.
Original source: Designagentur wedes
Author: Steffen Papenbroock

E. ON Kernkraft GmbH is a subsidiary of E. ON and operates six nuclear power plants in Germany employing about 2600 workers. It is located in Tresckowstraße 5 30457 Hannover. Furthermore it owns one third of the Brunsbüttel nuclear power plant which was shut down in 2007 because of a long history of malfunctions and as part of a nuclear power phase-out the plant has since not been used.

and E.ON Kernkraft GmbH gave an overview on new build projects in Europe and around the world.1
Betreiber ist die E.ON Kernkraft GmbH mit Sitz in Hannover. Das Kernkraftwerk hat zwei weithin sichtbare Kühltürme mit einer Höhe von jeweils 143 Metern.2

ON Energie, E.ON Kernkraft GmbH is a major contributor of electricity generation in Germany.3

5 Tips to Save the Earth

There are many easy things that people can do to help save the earth from further deterioration. All it takes is a little forethought and action. Below are five things that will save our planet.