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The Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) is a series of multi-purpose hydroelectric facilities constructed and operated by the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation in the Pacific Northwest and a transmission system built and operated by the Bonneville Power Administration to market and deliver electric power. The program is currently funded by the BPA's own power and transmission rates.

Effects of the federal Columbia River power system on salmonid populations. U.S. Dept. Commer., NOAA Tech; 2005. 150 p. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-63: p.1
Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS): the FCRPS is made up of: 1) the hydroelectric generating projects constructed by the U.S.2
Biological Opinion for the federal Columbia River power system in a letter to the Oregonian. Click here to view the letter.3
Federal Columbia River Power System and expands on pumped storage's current and future role in the Pacific Northwest. The report's appendices can be found here.4

Federal Columbia River Power System; dolphin protection measures in Eastern Pacific Ocean; Snake River Basin water rights adjudication; counterpart consultation rules for EPA pesticides and Healthy Forest 5
the Federal Columbia River Power System for salmon and steelhead to NOAA Fisheries.6
"Effects of the Federal Columbia River Power System on Salmon Populations" by John G. Williams, Steven G. Smith, William D. Muir, Benjamin P.7

5 Tips to Save the Earth

There are many easy things that people can do to help save the earth from further deterioration. All it takes is a little forethought and action. Below are five things that will save our planet.