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Oscar Downstream is a large oil trading company based in Bucharest Romania which is the largest independent oil company in the country. The company is specialised in oil trading and manages over 450 gas stations without owning any of them. It has five regional storage facilities located in Bucharest Timişoara Craiova Constanţa and Oneşti and a fleet of 20 tank trucks. Since 2007 the company also has an electricity distribution branch.

Oscar Downstream is a large oil trading company based in Bucharest, Romania which is the largest independent oil company in the country.1
Oscar Downstream, cel care a infiintat o companie de trading cum mai erau multe altele pe piata, dar a reusit sa o scoata din plutonul de peste 30-40 de mici 2
Oscar Downstream a invitat la eveniment si companii care deja utilizeaza serviciul Dieselpoint, reprezentantii acestora apreciind ca si-au redus costurile cu 20-30% in urma punerii in functiune a 3

Key person is Alin Niculae.

Teszari), InterAgro (Ioan Niculae), Oscar Downstream (Alin şi Costina Niculae) şi Dedeman (Dragoş şi Adrian Pavăl) sunt cele mai mari cinci companii controlate de antreprenori români şi au împreună peste 10.4
* Oscar Downstream şi Media Rom Grup au livrat Apavital Iaşi carburanţi de 2,2 milioane lei * Delta Airlines to resume Bucharest-New York cargo flights 5
Biodiesel, Oscar Downstream Bucuresti, Remat Arad si omul de afaceri Razvan Petrovici. Petrolsub are cea mai redusa capacitate de prelucrare dintre rafinariile din Romania, respectiv 460.6
Energy type
Formation Year
Number Of Employees
Company Name
Oscar Downstream
Key People
Alin Niculae
Num Employees
Company Type

5 Tips to Save the Earth

There are many easy things that people can do to help save the earth from further deterioration. All it takes is a little forethought and action. Below are five things that will save our planet.