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PreussenElektra (Preußische Elektrizitäts AG) was a German electric company that existed from 1927 to 2000. From its founding until around 1970 it was owned (directly or indirectly) by the Republic of Prussia and the Federal Republic of Germany. From 1929 until 2000 it was a subsidiary of Veba. PreussenElektra was founded in 1927 with headquarters in Berlin and operated two thermal power stations Borken in Hesse and Ahlem in Hanover and eight hydroelectric stations.

PreussenElektra and the city of Leer merge to form Weser-Ems-Stromversorgungs AG (Wesag) Contact EWE AG Tel: +49 441 4805-0 Fax: +49 441 4805-3999 1
PreussenElektra AG in 1993.2
PreussenElektra was established on the basis of a law governing the participation of the ... PreussenElektra merged with Bayernwerk to form E.3
units of Preussenelektra and Bayernwerk in the context of the merger of VIAG and VEBA and their respective utilities into E.4

Wie Preussenelektra in der Eon AG aufgeht - Nachrichten DIE WELT - WELT ONLINE * Zum Hauptmenu * 5
Die PreussenElektra betrieb in Wölfersheim ein Braunkohlekraftwerk.6
Career: 1989: PreussenElektra AG, Head of Energy and Corporate Law Department 1999: AVACON AG, Chairman of the Board of Management 2001: Bayern AG and E.7
PreussenElektra the Court simply fudged the issue of the discriminatory nature of the measure and held that the objective of environmental protection meant that the measure did not breach Article 8

5 Tips to Save the Earth

There are many easy things that people can do to help save the earth from further deterioration. All it takes is a little forethought and action. Below are five things that will save our planet.