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BPC Generation Infrastructure Trust is a trust established by Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) as part of the constortium to run the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station in Ontario. The trust owns 31.2% of Bruce Power following the sale by British Energy of its share in 2003.

Corporation, BPC Generation Infrastructure Trust, a trust established by the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System, the Power Workers’ Union and The Society of Energy Professionals.1
BPC Generation Infrastructure Trust, established by the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System; the Power Workers’ Union; and The Society of Energy Professionals.2
BPC Generation Infrastructure Trust Source, record 39, BPC Generation Infrastructure Trust BPC Generation Infrastructure Trust Source, record 39, BPC Generation Infrastructure Trust OBS – Staff 3

Pipelines, BPC Generation Infrastructure Trust, and the two main unions on the Bruce site, The Power Workers’ Union and The Society of Energy Professionals, entered into a lease agreement with Ontario 4
BPC Generation Infrastructure Trust has closed C$750 million of financing for investment in Bruce Power.5

5 Tips to Save the Earth

There are many easy things that people can do to help save the earth from further deterioration. All it takes is a little forethought and action. Below are five things that will save our planet.