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Green Rock Energy Limited is an Australian company which is exploring geothermal energy resources and the development of low-emission base load renewable energy. In South Australia the company has seven geothermal exploration licences (GELs) totalling 2 897 square kilometres (1 119 sq mi) and two GEL applications surrounding Olympic Dam Mine and the Roxby Downs township. The company also has a geothermal project in Hungary.

* MOL and Green Rock Energy Buyout Enex's Stake in CEGE * Enhanced Oil Resources and GreenFire Energy Sign Joint Venture 1
* Green Rock Energy announced that the WA Government offered $5.2
* Green Rock Energy Ltd and The University of Western Australia * Granite Power Ltd * Geothermal Power Pty Ltd.3
Australia: Green Rock Energy Signs $7-Million Commonwealth Funding Agreement Green Rock Energy announced that a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company signed an agreement with the Australian 4
company Green Rock Energy International have established a new company called Central European Geothermal Energy Ltd. (CEGE). The three founders have an equal one-third share in CEGE.5
GREEN Rock Energy has partnered with Cygnet Capital to raise up to $2.65 million for its existing geothermal assets and is reviewing new opportunities in the energy sector.6

Green Rock Energy Limited (ASX:GRK) announced that farm-in partner New Standard Energy (ASX:NSE) has been awarded a Special Prospecting Authority for the Seven Lakes area in the Canning 7
Green Rock Energy Limited (GRK) is an ASX listed junior energy developer with a diversified portfolio of hydrocarbon and geothermal energy projects in Australia and Europe.8
Green Rock Energy Limited is engaged in locating and developing low emission and base load geothermal energy resources. The Company's projects include the ...9
Green Rock Energy Managing Director Richard Beresford said the wells could potentially provide the campus with enough renewable energy to significantly reduce electricity demand.10
MOL and Green Rock Energy Buyout Enex's Stake in CEGE II-29 Enhanced Oil Resources and GreenFire Energy Sign Joint Venture Agreement II-29 Magma Energy Purchases Minority Stake 11

5 Tips to Save the Earth

There are many easy things that people can do to help save the earth from further deterioration. All it takes is a little forethought and action. Below are five things that will save our planet.