BC Hydro

The BC Hydro and Power Authority is a Canadian electric utility in the province of British Columbia generally known simply as BC Hydro. It is the main electric distributor serving 1.8 million customers in most areas with the exception of the Kootenay region where FortisBC a subsidiary of Fortis Inc. directly provides electric service to 111 000 customers and supplies municipally owned utilities in the same area.

* BC Hydro: Working for the Weekend0:33 Add to BC Hydro: Working for the Weekendby wsfotb3,903 views * BC Hydro "Lights"1:01 Add 1
by BC Hydro, to implement the first fully operational TETRA network in North America.2
comptes, la responsabilité et la flexibilité de BC Hydro et aussi son aptitude à répondre rapidement aux changements dans l'industrie. www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com /PrinterFriendly.3
BC Hydro and Power Authority (BCHPA) is a Canadianmarker electric utility in the province of British Columbiamarker now known simply as BC Hydro.4
This report will cover BCE and BC Hydro and The Southern Railway of BC. British Columbia Electric Railway (BCER) = A very brief history on the BCER.5
We assisted BC Hydro in streamlining the technical program requirements for the A/V system to maximize the value they would receive for the capital expenditure.6
"Protecting your personal information is an obligation BC Hydro takes seriously," says the statement on the Crown corporation's website. "Any personal information we collect is handled in accordance with the B.C.7
BC Hydro: The Effects of Rate-Regulated Accounting = Home Report number: Report 8 Date: October 2011 This report examines the implications of BC Hydro's 8
The Case of BC Hydro: A Blueprint for Privatization by Bruce Howe and Frank Klassen - Contents Abstract About 9
In BC Hydro's smart meter lab in south Burnaby, staff know they still have an uphill battle in their ongoing bid to roll out their modernized smart power grid.10
The decision to go with Itron, according to BC Hydro, was due at least in part to its experience delivering to other large utilities, including Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas & Electric, 11
Downloads: 0 BC Hydro BC Hydro's Field Manager in Training Program Views: 45 | Downloads: 2 Other docs by ChristMooreAn updated review of grayling biology, impacts, and management Views: 21 | Downloads: 0 12
BC Hydro is about to spend 1 Billion dollars by needlessly changing our existing reliable electric meters to new electronic wireless, untested ‘SmartMeter’ gadgets.13
Are you currently working for BC Hydro or have been an employee in the past? Submit a review Gold Member Content SALARIES 14
* BC Hydro AquaVan icon BC Hydro AquaVan * Community Programs 15
newly- approved hike in BC Hydro rates is just one of many fees that are going up. Aaron McArthur reports. ...16
over key positions at BC Hydro, and the results at the province's largest Crown corporation have become clear in the last several months.17
Bc Hydro jobs in Lower Mainland, BC = Distance: Company Location * Bc Hydro jobs nationwide Jobs 18

Key people are Dave Cobb and President & CEO.

Quick facts: After BC Hydro's 2000 call for green energy projects, a 20yr PPA was signed for this project in Dec 2001.19
BC Hydro BC Hydro experts tap into power of social networking with the help of SharePoint 2010 = BC Hydro is Canada’s third-largest electrical utility, providing 20
BC Hydro and Valard Construction Finalize EPC Contract for Northwest Transmission Line = My news for Investors AtLeast one of the check box 21
BC Hydro provides power to fuel economic growth in British Columbia. Its primary business activities are generating and distributing electricity.22
* BC Hydro is replacing 1.8 million digital and analog power consumption meters with wireless-enabled "smart meters" by the end of 2012.23
BC Hydro, for example, estimates that every decrease of 10 percent in theft—much of it committed by marijuana growers—could save ...24
BC Hydro Outage Report for Chilliwack RRS NEWS FEED No outages reported at this time BC Hydro Outage Report for Sardis 25
BC Hydro Energy Conservation Assistance Program (ECAP) - The Energy Conservation Assistance Program (ECAP) will provide qualified low-income BC Hydro residential account holders with 26
Benefits of Corix BC Hydro Smart Metering Installation Project...Receptionist - Smart Meter Installation Project Job ID: 2012-1565 Location: CA-BC-Cranbrook Posted ....28
BC Hydro and Fortis BC partnered to provide free energy saving kits for low income households.29
Vancouver, BC Hydro, sign on to test electric car = By Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun April 12, 2009 * Story 30
At BC Hydro, our vision Powering B.C. with clean, reliable... Working.com - 1 day ago - save job - block - email - more...31
the City of Vancouver and BC Hydro for energy conservation: On July 12th, 1990, Council approved in principle that the policy, principles and performance standards put forth 32
discussions with BC Hydro to fully understand its decision and determine the most effective path forward,” said Paul Taylor, NaiKun Wind’s president and CEO.33
WHEREAS the history of BC Hydro shows that it has repatriated millions of dollars to the Crown thereby facilitating re-investment within the province to stimulate economic diversification and job creation, 34
BC Hydro Workplace Conservation Awareness Helps your company develop Workplace Conservation Awareness Visit website National Resources Canada Covers grants and incentives.35
BC Hydro has been providing Material Safety Data Sheet Management System services since 1996.36
Energy type
Company Name
BC Hydro
Company Type
C$3.822 billion
Executive Council of British Columbia
Number Of Employees
May 2009
Area Served
Region Served
British Columbia
May 2009
December 2010
Num Employees
C$16.5 billion
May 2009
Company Slogan
For Generations
Net Income
C$447 million
Formation Year
Key People
Dave Cobb
President & CEO
Owning Company
Executive Council of British Columbia

5 Tips to Save the Earth

There are many easy things that people can do to help save the earth from further deterioration. All it takes is a little forethought and action. Below are five things that will save our planet.